Yeah, title says it all. I heard Madness Day is coming around the 22nd, so to prepare for that, I'll be planning to make a fanart piece in advance! This gives me at least 20 days (two more weeks) in the time I'm currently writing this, so I have enough time to practice, experiment, and draw in creative passion and love for the show! And hey, if I'm lucky and/or diligent enough, it could be an animated gif rather than a single painting!
It'll probably be based off of the final scene of MC 11: Expurgation which looks like this basically:
I really don't know why, but this scene in particular feels very powerful. Probably cuz of the banger music in the background, idk lol.
It's also quite appropriate to make considering the fact that Krinkles said himself that he'll probably upload MC 12 after madness day 2024! :D
TL; DR: Making fanart (animated gif) for Madness Day 2024. Gonna be based off of the final scene of MC 11. Experimenting with brushes. Doing this since MC 12 releases after Madness Day 2024, lol.